Akropolis Ancient Coins
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                                          ANCIENT ROMAN COINS (Cont.)


                        C. Coelius Caldus.jpg (72767 bytes)

80. The Roman Republic. C. Coelius Caldus. 53 B.C. AR denarius. (18mm; 3.41 gm; 10h). Obv: C..COEL.CALDVS Head of C. Coelius Caldus head r.; in l. field, standard inscribed HIS; in r. field, standard in the form of a boar. Rev: Tablet inscribed L.CALDVS/VIIVIR.EPVL, behind which figure preparing epulum; on either side of table, a trophy. On outer l. field, CALDVS, on outer r. field, IMP.A.X. In ex., CALDVS.IIIVIR. Babelon Coelia 7. Sydenham 894. Crawford 437/2a. Rare. Two old tiny scratches on forehead.............(Video)(Image) $995

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81. Divus Augustus. Died 14 AD.  Æ As. Rome mint. Struck under Tiberius, circa  15-16 AD . Obv: Radiate head left; star above, thunderbolt before. Rev: Seated female figure right, feet on stool, holding patera and scepter. RIC I, 72; BMCRE 151; C. 244..........................................................................(Image) SOLD

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82. Trajan. 98-117 AD. Æ Semis (19mm; 4.9 gm; 6h). Rome mint, for circulation in Syria. Struck 116 AD. Obv: Radiate and draped bust r. Rev: Large S•C within oak wreath, legend around. RIC II 645; BMCRE 1103; Sear Millennium Edition 3244. aEF, but reverse die a bit worn. Magnificent black patina........................................................................................(Video)(Image) $395

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83. Augustus, with Tiberius as Caesar. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius (19mm; 3.92 gm; 3h). Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck 13-14 AD.  Obv: CAESAR AVGVSTVS • DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head of Augustus right. Rev:  TI • CAESAR in exergue. AVG F TR POT XV to right and above. Tiberius, standing right, driving triumphal quadriga, holding eagle tipped scepter in left hand and laurel branch and reins in right hand. Dark tone. RIC I 224; RSC 301; BMCRE 509-10; BN 1690......................................................(Video)(Image) $2550

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84. Nero. 54-68 AD. AR Denarius (18mm; 3.0 gm; 5h). Rome mint. Struck circa 65-66 AD. Obv: NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate head right. Rev: SALVS in exergue, Salus, draped, seated left on ornamented throne, holding patera in right hand and resting left hand on side. RIC I 60; RSC 314. Light scratches and dents...........................................................................................(Image) SOLD

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85. Otho. 69 AD. AR Denarius (19mm; 3.18 gm; 6h). Rome mint. Obv: Bare head right. Rev: Securitas standing  left, holding wreath and scepter. RIC I 8; RSC 17. The demarcation of his wig is clear.................................(Image) SOLD

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86. DOMITIAN. 81-96 AD. AR Denarius (20mm; 3.05 gm; 6h). Rome mint. Obv: Laureate head right. Rev: Minerva standing left, holding spear. RSC 185.  aEF/VF. Splendid portrait. A somewhat worn reverse die. Slight roughness on Domitian's forehead and reverse fields...........................................(Image) SOLD


87. Vespasian. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius. (17mm; 2.93 gm;12h). Ephesus mint. Struck 71 AD. Obv:  IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS III TR P P P, laureate head right. Rev: PACI AVGVSTAE, Victory advancing r., holding wreath in extended r. hand and palm across left shoulder; EPHE (PHE ligate) in lower right field. RIC II, Part 1, 1431 (new); RPC II 833; BMCRE 457; BN 351; RSC 276. Ancient flan flaw or gouge before Vespasian's face...(Video)(Image) $575


87a. Vespasian. 69-79 AD. AR Denarius (18mm; 3.20 gm; 6h). Ephesus -  Ephesos mint. Struck 74 AD. Obv: IMP CAESAR VESPAS AVG COS V TR P P P, Laureate head right. Rev: CONCORDIA AVG, Ceres seated left on high-backed throne, holding grain ears, poppy, and cornucopia; star in exergue. RIC II 336 (old) 1456 (new); RSC 68; RPC II 852. Dated COS V from the rare final issue of this mint, with star in reverse ex. Near EF. Ex CNG e-auction 399, Lot: 484, which cites an erroneous weight (2.98 gm)...................(Video)(Image) SOLD                          DivoCommodo.jpg (97336 bytes)

88. Divus Commodus. Died 192 AD. AR Antoninianus (23mm; 3.38 gm; 1h). Commemorative issue. Rome mint, 5th officina. 8th emission of Trajan Decius, mid-251 AD. Obv: Radiate head right. Rev: Lighted altar. RIC IV 94 (Decius); RSC 1010. aEF, but obverse not fully struck-up. Small flan crack and some ragged flan edges. Light golden tone.........................(Video)(Image) $950

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89. PLOTINA. Augusta, 105-122 AD. AR Denarius (18mm; 2.61 gm; 6h). Struck under Trajan, 112 AD. Obv: (PL)OTINA AVG IMP TRAIANI, diademed and draped bust right. Rev: CAE(S AVG) GERMA DAC COS VI P P, Vesta seated left on low throne, holding palladium and scepter. RIC II 730 (Trajan); BMCRE 526 (Trajan); RSC 3. Rare. Some surface roughness..........(Video)(Image) $850

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90. Diva Paulina. Died before 235 AD.  AR Denarius (21mm; 3.00 gm; 5h). Commemorative issue. Rome mint. 2nd emission of Maximinus I, 236 AD. Obv: DIVA PAULINA, Veiled and draped bust rt. Rev: CONSECRATIO, Diva Paulina, raising hand and holding scepter, reclining left on peacock flying upward. RIC IV 2; RSC 2. Slight golden tone........................(Video)(Image) $450

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91. Pupienus. 238 AD. AR Antoninianus, 5.0 gm, Rome mint. 2nd emission. Obv: Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev: Clasped right hands. RIC IV 11b; RSC 21; BMCRE 92-4........................................................(Image) SOLD

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92. Pupienus. 238 AD. AR Denarius (20mm; 2.31 gm; 2h). Rome mint. Obv: IMP C M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev: CONCORDIA AVGG, Concordia seated left, holding patera and double cornucopiae. RIC 1; RSC 6.................................................(Video)(Image) $1450

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93. Balbinus. 238 AD. AR Antoninianus (23mm; 5.00 gm; 12h). Rome mint. 2nd emission. Obv: Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev: CONCORDIA AVGG, clasped right hands. RIC IV 10; BMCRE 67-70; RSC 3. Flan flaw or scratch below right hand on reverse...............................................(Image) SOLD

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94. Diva Mariniana, wife of Valerian I. AR Antoninianus (21mm; 3.30 gm;1h). Struck 254-256 AD. Obv: DIVAE MARINIANAE, veiled and draped bust right, resting on a crescent. Rev: CONSECRATIO, peacock flying right, carrying Mariniana who is veiled and raising right hand and holding scepter. RIC V pt. 1, 6; Göbl 220b; Hunter 1; RSC 16..........................................(Video)(Image) $525

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95. The Triumvirs. Mark Antony. 42 BC. AR Denarius (17mm; 3.74 gm; 4h). Obv: Bare Head of Mark Antony wearing mourning beard. Rev: Distyle temple, enclosing raised round medallion bearing radiate bust of Sol facing. Military mint in Greece moving with Mark Antony; Crawford 496/1. CRI 128. RSC 12. Babelon Antonia 34; Sydenham 1168...................................(Video)(Image) $275

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96. The Triumvirs. Mark Antony. Early summer 40 BC. AR Denarius (22mm; 3.38 gm; 5h). Military mint traveling with Antony and Plancus in central Greece. Obv: Lituus and capis. Rev: Sacrifical jug; winged thunderbolt and winged caduceus flanking it. Sydenham 1191 (R7); RSC 22. VF, toned. Struck on a broad flan. Very rare. Flan crack.................................(Video)(Image) $1375

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97. Augustus. 27 BC-14 AD. AR Denarius. 3.70 gm. Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck 11 BC. Obv: AVGVSTVS DIVI • F, bare head right. Rev: IMP X(?) across field, ACT in exergue. Apollo Citharoedus of Actium, wearing long drapery, standing facing, head left, holding plectrum in right hand and lyre in left. RSC 144(?)...................................................................................................(Image) SOLD

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98. Galba. 68-69 AD. AR Denarius (18mm; 3.23 gm; 6h). Rome mint. Struck circa July  68 AD - January 69 AD. Obv: Laureate and draped bust right. Rev: Victory standing left on globe, holding wreath and palm. RIC I, 217; RSC 328. This curious coin has been clipped as can be seen. The weight, however, is equal to or heavier than several other Victoria types on line. One example at a major U.S. auction site indicates 2.88 gm. Hence, it appears to be a mint clipping to reduce its weight to others in the minting process....(Image) SOLD

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99. Divus Antoninus Pius. Died 161 AD. AR Denarius (18mm; 3.03 gm; 6h). Consecration issue. Rome mint. Struck under Marcus Aurelius, 161 AD. Obv: Bare-headed bust right, slight drapery. Rev: Funeral pyre (more properly, an Ustrinum, based on recent scholarship) of four tiers  with statues and garlands, and surmounted by facing quadriga. RIC III 438 (Aurelius); RSC 164a. Superb EF, Glossy surfaces. Small flan flaw on Antoninus' cheek....................................................................................................(Video)(Image) $425

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100. Antoninus Pius, with Marcus Aurelius as Caesar. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (19mm; 3.43 gm; 12h). Rome mint. Struck 140-144 AD. Obv: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head of Antoninus Pius right. Rev: AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F COS, bare head of Marcus Aurelius right. RIC II 417a; Strack 110; RSC 15; BMCRE 155........................(Image) SOLD

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101. Sabina. Augusta, 128-136/7 AD. AR Denarius (18mm; 3.14 gm; 6h). Rome mint. Struck under Hadrian, circa 134-136 AD. Obv: Diademed and draped bust right. Rev: Venus standing r., drawing fold of drapery from her shoulder and holding an apple. RIC II 396 (Hadrian); RSC 73.............(Video)(Image) $225

102. Not used.

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103. Restored Coinage of Trajan Decius for Divus Titus. 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (22mm; 3.19 gm; 1h). Rome, 251 AD. Obv: DIVO TITO Radiate head of Divus Titus right. Rev: CONSECRATIO Eagle standing right, head left, wings raised. RIC IV.3, p. 130, 81a (Rare). Cohen (Titus) 404 (3 Fr.). Rare. Worn and rusted reverse die. Toned................................................(Video)(Image) $250

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104. Lucius Verus. 161-169 AD. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.36 gm, 6h). Rome mint. Struck 163 AD.  Obv: Bare head right. Rev: Armenia seated left on ground in attitude of mourning; shield and vexillum to left, bow and quiver to right. RIC III 501; MIR 18, 62-14/10; RSC 6. VF.......................................(Video)(Image) $125

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105. Julia Mamaea. Augusta, 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (20mm; 3.04 gm; 7h). Rome mint. 11th emission of Severus Alexander, 230 AD. Obv: Draped bust right, wearing stephane. Rev: Felicitas seated left on chair, holding caduceus and cornucopia. RIC IV 338 (Alexander); BMCRE 658-9 (Alexander); RSC 24. Superb EF. Edge flan flaw...............................................................(Image) SOLD

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106. Julia Mamaea. Augusta, 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (19mm; 3.24 gm; 7h). Rome mint. 11th emission of Severus Alexander, 230 AD. Obv: Draped bust r., wearing stephane. Rev: Felicitas stg. left, holding caduceus and leaning upon column to r. RIC IV 335 (Sev. Alex.); RSC 17. Near EF.......(Video)(Image) $245

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107. Herennius Etruscus. As Caesar, 249-251 AD. AR Antoninianus (22mm; 4.87 gm; 12h). Rome mint. 5th emission of Trajan Decius, early 251 AD. Obv: Radiate and draped bust right. Rev: PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, Apollo standing left, holding branch and resting left elbow on a lyre. RIC IV 146 (Decius); RSC 24a. VF+. Lustrous and slightly toned. Weak strike 3 to 5 o'clock on reverse.....................................................................................(Video)(Image) $295

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108. Severus Alexander. 221-228 AD. AR Denarius (18mm, 2.96 gm, 12h). Rome.  Obv: Laureate, draped bust r. Rev: Pax standing l., holding branch in right hand and scepter in left. RIC 40; C. 254; RSC 254, BMC 167-9. aEF. Toned. Lustrous......................................................................(Video)(Image) $225

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109. Nerva. 96-98 AD. AR Denarius (19 mm; 3.34 gm; 7h). Rome. Obv: IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P. Laureate head right. Rev: FORTVNA PR. Fortuna seated left, holding grain ears and scepter. RIC17, C. 79, RSC 79. About extremely fine for wear, but reverse die is a bit worn. Ancient scratches on reverse exergue...........................................................................(Image) SOLD

                         AeliusCaesarDen.jpg (89665 bytes)

110. Aelius, Caesar. 136-138 AD. AR Denarius (18mm; 3.15 gm; 5h). Obv: AELIVS CAESAR. Bare head right. Rev: TRPOT COS II Spes walking left, holding flower and lifting fold of her skirt. RIC II 435 (Hadrian); RSC 55. Some porosity, mainly on the reverse..........................................(Video)(Image) $185

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111. Nero. 54-68 AD. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.00 gm, 7h). Rome mint. Struck circa 65-66 AD. Obv: NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate head r. Rev: SALVS in exergue, Salus, draped, seated l. on ornamented throne, holding patera in right hand and resting l. hand on side. RIC I, 71; RSC 316; BMC 98. VF+/aVF. Excellent, lustrous portrait. Porosity on the reverse......(Video)(Image) SOLD

                         VitelliusTripodDolphinDen.jpg (70174 bytes)

112. Vitellius. 69 AD. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.0 gm, 6h). Obv: A VITELLIVS GERMAN IMP TR P, laureate head right. Rev: XV VIR SACR FAC, tripod-lebes; dolphin above, raven within. RIC I 86; BMCRE 17; RSC 114.  VF. Scratch on Vitellius' face...........................................................................(Video)(Image) $175

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113. Faustina Jr., wife of Marcus Aurelius. Died 175 AD. AR Denarius (19mm; 2.94 gm; 6h). Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, Draped bust r. wearing single circlet of pearls around head. Rev: FECVNDITAS, Fecunditas standing r., holding scepter & child. RIC III 677 (Aurelius); RSC 99a. aEF..........(Video)(Image) $175

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114. Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. AR Denarius (18mm; 3.33 gm; 6h). Rome mint. Struck circa 141-143 AD.  Obv: ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right. Rev: ANNO NA AVG, modius with two grain ears and two poppies. RIC III 62; BMC 181; RSC 33. aEF, but ancient scratches in front of emperor's face. Toned............................................................(Video)(Image) $225

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115. Julia Soaemias. Augusta, 218-222 AD. AR Denarius (20mm, 2.77 gm, 1h). Rome mint. Struck under Elagabalus, 218-220 AD. Obv: Draped bust right. Rev: Venus seated left, holding apple and scepter; to left, child standing right, raising hands. RIC IV 243 (Elagabalus); Thirion 388; RSC 14. VF+. Some surface roughness/porosity on reverse, from 9h to 11h.....(Video)(Image) $145

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116. Macrinus. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (20mm; 3.07 gm; 6h). Rome mint. Struck 217 AD. Obv: Laureate and cuirassed bust right. Rev: Fides standing left, holding signum in each hand; additional signum to left and right. RIC IV 68; Clay Issue 1; RSC 26. aEF, lightly toned. Fine style, early portrait. .............................................................................................................(Image) SOLD

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117. Macrinus. 217-218 AD. AR Denarius (19mm; 3.00 gm; 5h). Rome mint, 1st officina. 3rd emission, March-June 218 AD. Obv: IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right, with long beard. Rev: AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing facing, head left, holding scales in right hand, cradling cornucopia in left arm. RIC IV 53; Szaivert series 12; RSC 2; BMCRE 58. EF. Bold, powerful portrait..................................(Video)(Image) $475

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118. Severus Alexander. 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (19mm, 2.9 gm, 7h). Rome mint. 11th emission, 230 AD. Obv: Laureate bust right, slight drapery. Rev: Amazing depiction of Sol stg. slightly right, head l., raising hand and holding globe. RIC IV 102; RSC 391a. Spectacular EF. Golden tone..........(Image) SOLD

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119. Julia Mamaea. Augusta, 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (20mm; 3.27 gm; 7h). Rome mint. 11th emission of Severus Alexander, 230 AD. Obv: Draped bust right, wearing stephane. Rev: Felicitas seated left on throne, holding caduceus and cornucopia. RIC IV 338 (Severus Alexander); RSC 24. Choice EF. Light golden toning...........................................................(Video)(Image) $325

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120. Maximinus I. 235-238 AD. AR Denarius (20mm, 2.36 gm, 12h). Rome mint. 2nd emission, 236 AD. Obv: IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev: SALVS AVGVSTI, Salus enthroned left, feeding from patera held in right hand a snake coiled around altar, resting left arm on armrest. RIC IV 14; BMCRE 99; RSC 85a. aEF. Lustrous. Light golden tone..........................................................................................(Video)(Image) $295

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121. Diocletian. 284-305 AD. AR Argenteus (19mm; 3.45 gm; 7h). Rome mint. Struck circa 294 AD. Obv: DIOCLETI-ANVS AVG, laureate head right. Rev: VIRTVS MILITVM, four tetrarchs sacrificing over tripod before city enclosure with six turrets; B in exergue. RIC VI 40a; Pink, Silberprägung, pg. 17; Jelocnik 45; Hunter 34; RSC 516†g. VF, ancient linear dent behind jaw, ear, to edge of head; small ancient scratch near mouth. Scarce...(Video)(Image) $525

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122. Maximianus. First reign, 286-305 AD. AR Argenteus (19mm; 3.11 gm; 5h). Antioch mint. 7th emission, circa 298 AD. Obv: Laureate head right. Rev: VIRTVS MILITVM, three-turreted camp gate without doors; ANTH in exergue. RIC VI 39b (R4!). VF, flan crack. Very rare!............................(Video)(Image) $525

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123. CONSTANTIUS II, 337-361 AD. Æ Centenionalis (24mm, 5.8 gm. 5h). Antioch mint. Obv: Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev:Soldier spearing fallen horseman. RIC VIII, 132. Mint mark AN B in exergue. Superb! Smooth, Premier dark green patina. Light earthen deposits, as it came out of the ground. Small ancient flan flaw on Constantius' cheek. An expert on this "Fallen Horseman" series commented that, of all the several mints producing this type, the Antioch mint produced the most artistic dies. That is highly evident in this spectacular coin! EF+....................(Image) SOLD

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124. Valerian I. 253-260 AD. AR Antoninianus (23mm; 4.35 gm; 6h). Rome mint. 1st emission, 253-254 AD. Obv: Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev:Salus standing left, feeding serpent rising from altar to left and holding scepter set on ground. RIC V 121; MIR 36, 29d; RSC 197. Good VF. Weak  strike on right obverse. Worn reverse die. Tiny hard green deposit on reverse edge at 7 o'clock. Unusually fine silver...................(Video)(Image) $175

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125. Aelius, Caesar, 136-138 AD. AR Denarius (18mm, 2.59 gm, 6h). Struck 137 AD under Hadrian. Obv: (L) AELIVS CAESAR. Bare head right. Rev: TR POT COS II, CONCORD in exergue, Concordia seated left, holding patera, resting left arm on cornucopiae. RIC II 436 (Hadrian); RSC 1. VF, but surface roughness on the reverse.......................................................(Video)(Image) $195

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126. Volusian. 251-253 AD. AR Antoninianus (21mm; 3.67 gm; 1h). Rome mint. Obv: IMP CAE C VIB VOLVSIANO AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind. Rev: IVNONI MARTIALI, Juno seated slightly left within round distyle temple; star in right field. RIC IV 173; RSC 45. VF+.  Roughness on jaw and neck area and some porosity on both sides. Examples with the star on the reverse are rated as rare in RIC............(Video)(Image) $245

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127.  Constantine I. 307-337 AD. Æ Follis. Arles mint, Struck 325-6 AD. Obv: CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right. Rev:VIRTVS AVGG, camp gate with five layers, four turrets, open paneled doors, and star above, with dot on either side. PA(crescent)RL in ex. RIC 291? (dot on either side of star). gVF. Wonderful dark green patina. Minor earthen deposits.................(image) SOLD

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128. Severus Alexander, 222-235 AD. AR Denarius (20mm, 2.98 gm. 8h), Rome mint. Struck 224 AD. Obv: IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG Laureate and draped bust of Severus Alexander to right. Rev. P M TR P III COS P P Salus seated left on throne, holding patera in her right hand to feed a snake coiled around an altar to left, and resting her left arm on the back of her throne...a splendid depiction. BMC 176. RSC/Cohen 255. RIC 42. Golden tone and beautifully struck. EF. Slight roughness on Alexander's cheek and a few spots on the obverse...............................................................(Video)(Image) $225

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129. Aelia Eudoxia. Augusta, 400-404 AD. Æ (16mm; 2.45 gm; 1h). Constantinople mint, 1st officina. Obv: Pearl-diademed and draped bust right; Manus Dei crowning her from above. Rev: Victory seated on cuirass right, inscribing Christogram onto shield resting on knee; CONSA in exergue. RIC X 101; LRBC 2231. Good VF/F, brown patina. Earthen deposits.........(Image) $95

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130. Nerva. 96-98 AD. AR Denarius (17mm, 3.23 gm, 6h). Struck 97 AD. Obv:. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P II COS III P P, Laur. head of Nerva to right. Rev: CONCORDIA EXERCITVVM Clasped hands. RIC 26,RSC 22. Light scratches on and to right of Nerva's neck and on the reverse.....(Image) SOLD 

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131. Aurelian and Vabalathus, 271 - 272 AD. Æ Antoninianus (trace of original silver plating beneath patina) (20mm, 4.0 gm., 12h). Antioch mint, sixth officina. Obv: IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust right, Z below. Rev: VABALATHVS V C R IM D R, laureate, diademed, draped and cuir. bust r. RIC V, 381, VF+. Excellent patina. Earthen deposits.............(Image) $165

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132. Maximianus. 285-310 AD. Follis (28 mm; 9.51 gm; 12h). Nicomedia mint. Struck 294-295 AD, First reign. Obv: IMP C M A MAXIMINIANVS PF AVG, Laureate head right. Rev. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, holding patera and cornucopia. SMN in exergue. RIC 27b. EF. Magnificent dark green patina! Minor soil deposits................(Image) SOLD

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133. Galerius. 305-311 AD. Æ Follis (26mm; 5.33 gm; 6h). Cyzicus mint, 2nd officina. Struck circa 308 AD. Obv: IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, laureate bust right. Rev: GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI, Genius standing facing, head left, holding cornucopia and patera. MKB in exergue. RIC VI 36. About EF. Some earthen deposits. Rare..........................................(Video)(Image) $245

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134. Tacitus. 275-276 AD. Antoninianus (22mm, 4.43 gm, 6h). Ticinum mint, 4th officina. 1st emission, November-December, 275 AD. Obv: Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev: Providentia standing facing, head left, holding transverse scepter and globe; Q in ex. RIC V 152; BN 1656-7. VF...(Image)$145


134a. Tacitus. 275-276 AD. Æ Antoninianus (22 mm; 3.95 gm; 6h). Siscia mint, struck early June, 176 AD; 4th officina. Obv: Radiate and cuirassed bust, r.
Rev: CONCORDIA MILITVM; emperor on left, clasping hand of Concordia to the right. “Q" in exergue. Some silvering. RIC 183 var. or RIC 131-132 var. BNC P.376; RIC (Temp) 3807. This may be the BNC example, since it was obtained from the cited submitter in BNC. Thus, possibly unique.(Image) $525
See: http://www.ric.mom.fr/en/coin/3807

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135. Jovian. 363-364 AD. Æ 28mm (8.7 gm, 10h). Antioch mint, 1st officina. Obv: Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev: Jovian standing right, holding labarum and Victory on globe; ANTA in exergue. RIC VIII 228; LRBC 2645. aVF, brown patina with some earthen deposits.......(Image) SOLD

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136. Maximianus. As Senior Augustus (1st reign), 305-307 AD. Æ Follis (28mm, 9.3 gm, 5h). Treveri (Trier) mint, 1st officina. Struck 305-306 AD. Obv: Laureate and mantled bust right, holding olive-branch and mappa. Rev: Providentia standing right, extending hand to Quies standing left, holding branch and leaning on scepter; S-F across field, PTR in exergue. RIC VI 673b. Good VF, brown patina, some silvering..........................................(Image) SOLD

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137. Carinus (Caesar, 282-283 AD). Antoninianus. (22mm; 3.81 gm; 6h). Tripolis mint. Obv: IMP C M AVR CARINVS NOB C. Radiate and cuirassed bust right. Rev: VIRTVS AVGG Carinus standing right with scepter receiving globe from Jupiter (or Carus?) standing left with spear. Star above, TR in lower field, XXI in exergue. RIC 209. VF+/EF. Dark green with some light green patina  and earthen deposits..............................................................(Image) $75

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138. Anonymous Quadrans Æ (16mm, 2.8 gm, 6h). Time of Domitian to Antoninus Pius. Obv: Bust of Mercury right. Rev: S - C across field, Winged caduceus. RIC 31; Cohen 34. Scarce............................................(Image) SOLD


139. Helena, Mother of Constantine I, the Great. Augusta, 324-328/30 AD. Æ Follis, Struck 326-327 AD, Constantinople mint, 2nd officina. Obv: FL HELENA - AVGVSTA. Diademed and mantled bust right, wearing necklace. Rev:SECVRITAS - REIPVBLICE / B / CONS. Securitas stg. left, holding olive branch. RIC VII, 11. Rare variety with "B" in the left field. (Image)...SOLD


140. Galeria Valeria. Augusta, 293(?)-311 AD. Æ Follis (26mm; 5.82 gm; 12h). Cyzicus mint, 4th officina. Struck circa 308-309 AD. Obv: GAL VAL-ERIA AVG, diademed and draped bust right. Rev: VENERI V-ICTRICI, Venus standing facing, head left, lifting dress and holding apple; Δ in l. field; MKV in exergue. RIC VI 46. Earthen deposits................................................................(Image) $165


141. Marcian. 450-457 AD. Æ (10mm, 1.29 gm; 11h). Nicomedia mint. Obv: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev: Monogram; star above(?), S below; all within wreath and NICO breaking wreath.. RIC X 557. VF, green patina. RIC monogram 3. Rare variety..............................(Image) $275


142. Constantine I. 307-337 AD. Æ Follis (23mm; 4.27 gm; 6h). Struck 312-313 AD. Rome mint. Obv: IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right. Rev: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, legionary eagle between two standards; RS in exergue. RIC VI 348a. VF, dark brown patina.......(Image) $145


143. Jovian. 363-364 AD. Æ 1 (28mm; 8.43 gm; 7h). Heraclea mint, 1st officina. Obv: Rosette-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev: Jovian standing facing, head right, holding vexillum and Victory on globe. In exergue,  HERACA in ex. RIC VIII 107. VF. Earthen deposits.........(Image) $130


143a. Another, similar, except Antioch mint (27mm; 9.19 gm; 12h).....................................................................................................(Image) $180


144. Constantine I. 307-337 AD. Æ Follis (19mm; 3.23 gm; 6h). Siscia mint, 5th officina. Struck circa 318 AD. Obv: IMP CONSTANT-INVS AVG, Cuirassed bust left, holding spear and shield, wearing an ornate helmet with two six-pointed stars and row of three dots on a high crest. Rev: VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories standing facing each other, holding a shield, inscribed VOT/P R in two lines, above altar; ESIS in exergue. RIC VII 95. Rarity "r3" Somewhat rough surfaces...................................................................(Image) $85


145. Aurelian. 270-275 AD. Æ Antoninianus (24mm; 3.76 gm; 5h). Cyzicus mint, 4th officina. 10th emission, struck 275 AD. Obv: Radiate and cuirassed bust right. Rev: Mars standing right, holding spear, presenting globe to Aurelian who stands left and holds a scepter; Δ in center field; XXI in exergue. RIC V 366. Scarce. Excellent field surfaces.......................................(Image) $45

146. Not used.


147. Festival of Isis. Mid 4th century AD. Æ (17mm; 1.35 gm; 12h). Alexandria mint. Obv: DEO SANCTO SARAPIDI, draped bust of Sarapis right, wearing modius. Rev: DEO SANCTO NILO, river-god Nilus reclining left on protome of lion, holding reed in right hand and cornucopia in left; (ALE) in exergue. Cf. Alföldi, Festival pl. IV, 35 (for type); Vagi 3384. Chipped flan...........(Image) $95                         

148. Not used


149. Valens. 364-378 AD. AR Siliqua (18mm; 1.7 gm; 6h). Antioch mint. Struck 367-375 AD. Obv: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev: VOT/ X/ MVLT/ XX in four lines within wreath; ANT in ex. RIC IX 34b.1. Light scratches on cheek.................................................................(Video)(Image) $245


150. Valentinian I. 364-375 AD. AR Siliqua (18mm; 1.51 gm; 12h). Constantinople mint. Struck 364-367 AD. Obv: Rosette-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev: VOT V in two lines within wreath; in exergue, C•A. RIC IX 13a var. (mint mark); RSC 69 var. (same). VF, but holed in ancient times. Possibly an unrecorded mint mark variety......(Image) SOLD

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